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Anna University Student's Click
Computer Applications
=> 3-Dimensional Computer Processor
=> 4G Technology
=> Abbrevations
=> Automatic Screen Refresh Tips
=> A - Z Colors codes for HTML
=> A - Z Keyboard Shortcuts
=> A - Z Run Commands in Windows
=> A - Z Windows XP Short Cuts
=> Batch File Help
=> Block Unwanted Mails
=> Block websites without any Software
=> Computer post and beep codes
=> Changing title of windows media player
=> Chat with Friends through Command Prompt
=> Clear History
=> Cloud Computing
=> Convert Guest to admin in windows Xp
=> Convert Any Document to PDF and Send it to yor any Mail
=> Countdown timer for shutdown computer
=> Create files and folders without any name
=> Create Locker Without Software
=> Displaying a Text Notice before Logon
=> Disable Autorun
=> Disable "Turn Off Computer" Button in Windows XP
=> Disable Security Center warnings
=> Enable Taskmanager From Administrator
=> Forget Windows: Midori is coming
=> Hide a File in a Image
=> Hide a Folder using Command Prompt
=> Hide Folder Options
=> Hide inactive icons of the TaskBar
=> Hide Your Partitions
=> Hidden Application in XP
=> Hidden Quotes In Windows Xp
=> Hidden Notepad
=> History of Facebook
=> History of Linux
=> History of MAC - 0.S
=> History of Opearting System
=> History of Orkut
=> History of Unix
=> How to create your own shortcut key for your favorite programs
=> How To Delete Annoying Multiple Entries in Boot Screen
=> How to keep your computer clean
=> How to Install Windows XP
=> Increase the Display Quality
=> Increase your Internet Speed
=> Install OS From USB
=> Laptops of Future
=> Make your Windows Xp Geniune
=> Memory Trick To Speedup Windows Xp
=> Multiple login for google talk
=> NEXI - Robot with facial expressions
=> One Click PC Shutdown
=> Other Software Dowloads
=> Prevent Pen Drive Virus
=> Protect your Word and Excel Files with password
=> Renaming the Administrator
=> Remove Spyware from your System
=> Start a movie in Paint
=> Safe Mode
=> Shortcut for GMAIL
=> Shortcut for Word
=> Slow computer
=> Sticky Keys
=> Speedup Menus
=> Speed up your NTFS file system
=> Shortcutkey for Excel
=> Speed up your PC
=> System Utilities (Downloads)
=> The Internet - Facts
=> Talking XP
=> Turn off Beep Sounds in your System
=> Turn on your PC in Just 10 Seconds
=> Upload your Documents
=> Use Gmail As Online Photo Storage
=> Usefull DOS Files
=> Usefull websites with Codes
=> Who used your PC in your Absence
=> XP Registry Tips and Tweaks
=> Title of your new page
=> A-Z Windows Shortcuts
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